The Final Hurrah

Today was the last day of J-term and I do wish we had more time to work on our projects as I enjoyed this course. Through this course, I have learned how to work with leather, learned more about how to choose the right settings and tools for the Carvey and laser cutter, and, in addition, learned the importance of always measuring twice.

I become very frustrated with the fact that my test tower was a few hundredths of an inch smaller than my final material and that I was unaware of this seemingly minuscule difference. This slight difference though has caused my measurements to go absolutely haywire, as I initially tuned my design to the test tower. Fortunately, I had enough wood to be able to re-cut my tower, but alas that too had a small error as the holes to have the ramps slide through were 1/32 of an inch to small to accommodate for the thickness of the padauk. I have assembled my project (though have not taken any pictures yet), but have literally wedged my ramps into their places. I tried at first to sand down some of the wood and make the holes big enough, but I eventually just decided to wedge it in there. 

I am overall happy with how it turned out, and look forward to testing the dice tower out. I do plan on using and updating my designs in the future, so that I will be able to make another dice tower without as much trouble as I had with this one. 

My leather pen case turned out nicely and fits everything I need to. It's size allows me to protect these pens and pencils and keep them together when I go out. It feels great to have made something that I will use and this project has inspired me to do more leather-work in the future. 
