Day 6 (CD)

     This is a continuation of the pen/ pencil holder from the previous blog made from a block of wood and using the CNC router (carvey)/ easel program.
     One of the easiest parts of this project was using the easel program to speed up the carving process of each block from 48 minutes to 8 minutes tops. The most difficult part of this project was piecing together the wood blocks to match each side of the wooden patterns.
     I've learned how to properly use the wood glue and how to make sure it sticks permanently by using clamps. I also learned how to use the table saw with ease.
     No real mistakes during this process other than a small struggle with the CNC router as a result of the sped up process. The drill would get stuck between the carved out piece and the edge of the inner wall but luckily nothing was damaged.
     I am proud of it's structure and how it looks so far. I plan to engrave one of my original designs onto each wall of the holder, but if the process is too long I will engrave it onto one.
