Blog #4 for Monday: Setbacks and Salt

After a weekend of little to no sleep, I'm back to school, ready to cut out the rest of my projects, only to find that I have some time while Francesco cuts, which is why I am finishing up my design, such as adding a ring for the string to thread through on the outside and ensuring that everything is away from the 4.5 x 4.5 square that was the cup base. I am also triple checking everything that I am cutting out to ensure that not one minute, not one piece of wood, one shred of aluminum, none of it is wasted. Throughout the day, I have completed my cup/ball (save for the glue, drilling holes, and a little bit of sanding), but the aluminum didn't go very well (never done it before, so Grisbee said he'd do more experimenting), but I think that this is good in that because the laser cutter couldn't cut aluminum, I had to do 2 CNC projects, but now I can do the laser cutter project. Despite the setbacks and salt with me mistakenly messing up another drill bit and my mistakes involving miscuts with the wood, I think that I made SOME progress today. I think that the quote "some setbacks are beginnings" sums up the day pretty well.
