2D 3D Design - Blog 4

Francesco Argentina
Jeremy Grisbee
2D- 3D Design
Blog 4

Luckily today I was able to secure the first position to use the CNC router, and I was able to cut out each of my clock pieces. The clock was where I ended up spending most of my time today and by tomorrow I’m hoping it will be finished. I tried cutting out the connector pieces for the chairs earlier in the day, however the CNC made a mistake and went off track during the first one. I ended up just giving up my turn to somebody else, as I had been using the CNC for most of the morning, and the connectors would have been another hour and a half to complete. As for the clock pieces, I got them all cut out and filed down, as well as made another gluing contraption using more scrapwood. This enabled me to glue four pieces together instead of just two. By the end of the day I got each ⅛ piece into four ¼ pieces. Tomorrow all I have left for the clock is to turn the quarters into halves then sand down the semi circles if there is any extra gaps that need to be closed. Finally I will assemble the circle and prepare it to be engraved on  the laser cutter with my design.       
